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AWS Jam - Advanced Architecting

Accelerate your cloud adoption journey. Your team will gain practical knowledge and skills that they can take back and implement into your organizations cloud initiatives. With real-world challenges, your team will be equipped to handle real-world scenarios. AWS Jam is a scenario-based, team-centered 1 day event where participants gain practical experience with a wide range of AWS services. AWS Jam scenarios relate to use cases, domains, and services covered in the classroom training course. The event is gamified with teams competing against each other by scoring points for completing specific challenges. Challenges have varying degrees of difficulty and are therefore worth differing amounts of points. A live leaderboard provides updates on scores and progress throughout the event. Clues and guidance can be provided to help teams move through challenges, but cost points. To play, AWS provides participants and teams with access to pre-created infrastructure.

Virtual and Classroom learning - V&C Select™

V&C Select™ is a simple concept and a flexible approach to delivery. You can 'select' a course from our public schedule and attend in person or as a virtual delegate. Virtual delegates do not travel to this course, we will send you all the information you need before the start of the course and you can test the logins.


  • Classe inter à distance

    Depuis n'importe quelle salle équipée d'une connexion internet, rejoignez la classe de formation délivrée en inter-entreprises.

  • Classe inter en présentiel

    Formation délivrée en inter-entreprises. Cette méthode d'apprentissage permet l'interactivité entre le formateur et les participants en classe.

2 Formations trouvées

    • Modalité Classe inter en présentiel
    • Date 13 février, 2025


    • Modalité Classe inter à distance
    • Date 13 février, 2025


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